Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hunkerin' Down

I love this Arkansas country hick slang language. And I mean that in the nicest way! My new favorite word: Hunkerin' - means to get down low. To hunker. 

The sound of that word alone makes me laugh. Anyway...storms - they are a comin. So wish me luck. I hear these "January Thunderstorms" can be a doosey. Doosey - is that a country hick word? Speakin of words...Thought y'all (see how smooth I did that?) might like this:  Arkansas Slang

So - this is gonna be short and sweet, cuz we are bout fit to be tied when these here storms come a blowin in yonder! 

Ye Doggie!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

History and Culture and ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!! Oh My!


My apologies for not blogging sooner, but I was HAVING SOME FUN!!! I went on a road trip this past weekend with Shonda and Jeff. We made our way up North to Belton, MO - which is right outside of Kansas City. The trip was r-e-a-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-y long. It even seemed longer than my trip here to Arkansas! 

I got me some history while I was there. We  visited the World War 1 National Museum. Here is the link: World War 1 National Museum

It has a 217 foot tower located on top of the museum, which you get to take a really cool elevator almost to the top, then about 2 flights of stairs and you are up top. It was awesome.

I saw this and wondered if this dude Darwin mentioned us Buttfreckles in his book. IF he didn't - well - he should have! Of course we all know our origin of species is Momma B's lab in Austin, Texas. YEE HAW!

Then I had this fond affinity for this big metal ball. Don't really know what it is, but it reminded me of a primitive over-sized Buttfreckle!

Oh and I WANT YOU - TO BUY SOME BUTTFRECKLES! HA! This was an actual wartime poster from 1917, the famous Uncle Sam bit. Shonda was real excited to see an actual poster, not some replica.

This is for all you Ford people. Yep, a Model T.

Shonda stood a bit in front of this saying. Got real serious. She said, even 100 years ago - our American Soldiers were just a brave and gallant as they are today. We are unwavering as a nation. Kinda got me all teary eyed too.

And this was the view from atop the tower, a panoramic of Kansas City.

After we left there...we went here for some culture! The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 

They had a really neat sculpture garden. This was my favorite by far - HUGE SHUTTLECOCKS! There were three total. FOUR! Oh wait...wrong game. My bad. 

And this was one of my favorite exhibits - the Dada Exhibit. This is a Max Ernst. Way cool. 

All I can say is WOW!

Happy Trails -

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am complete.

I now know how to "call them HOGS" as Shondy says. WOO PIG SOOIE!!! RAZORBACKS! Boy...these Arkies really are serious about their football. Friday night we watched the Cotton Bowl. Arkansas Razorbacks played the Kansas State Wildcats. There were a few times during the game that Shonda actually scared me. One particular time when this dude named Joe grabbed the ball and ran like 50 yards to get a "touchdown". The entire concept is just weird. But it was fun.

Fun because I got to wear a silly nose.

Fun because we had Chicken Bacon Ranch pizza and cheesy bread sticks!

Fun because my half-time snack was a shot of Diet DP in a Razorback glass and TWO, yes..TWO squares of Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Chocolate. Cuz Shonda said it was Razorback red and white.

AND FUN BECAUSE THE RAZORBACKS WON!!! Final score Arkansas 29 - Kansas State 16. I think I could do this every Friday night!

And to close things out...

WOO PIG SOOIE! Shonda says I am officially a honorary Razorback now. YAY.

Happy Trails -

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lump Be Gone!

Lump Be Gone? That kinda sounds like a BEP song - which by the way - since Shondy has introduced me to MUSIC, I love me some BEP's. Now, where was I again? Oh yes, LUMP BE GONE!

Thursday, Shonda's Beau - Jeff - had an outpatient procedure to remove a lump from his elbow. It was a nasty looking bugger and you know I had to give it my Lump Be Gone Stink Eye Move just to let it know who is boss.

Oh the fun I was in for today! Have I mentioned how awesome pre-op rooms are? All kinds of trouble to get into.

This was some foamy stuff that squirted out the bottom. It really smelled bead, but Shonda LOVED it. She said her "germaphobe" self adored anti-bacterial foam, gel, soap and even lotion. A bit much perhaps?

And this really cool TV reminded you if you were alive or dead. It made all kinds of noises. At this point, I got a little worried that Jeff might be a gonner because it was really quiet, but Shonda explained that it wasn't hooked up to him. Whew!

There was about a 2 hour delay, so we (Shonda and I because Jeff obviously couldn't eat) decided to go get a quick lunch. She brought me to this really neat place called Schlotzsky's that she said originated right in Austin, Texas! Had a bit of Momma B homesickness.

It was a seriously good Sammie. And those Cracked Pepper chips. YUMO!

So after lunch, we headed back to the hospital and waited. And waited. And waited. They weren't kidding when they called it a "waiting" room. Anyway, a couple of hours later, the Dr came out and said all went fine. THE LUMP WAS GONE and all was good! I guess that stink eye move really did work. I should have been a gangster!

Happy Trails -

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Take this job and shove it...I just want the CANDY DISH!

Ok. You humans may have to explain this whole "work" idea. I mean, get up stupid early  just to spend the good portion of your day doing stuff other people tell you to do? Why do you do this again? Surely there is a reason. *gives sideways glance*

Shonda sits at this desk and plays on this box. She called it a computer and then she said she wasn't playing. Oops. She did a lot of stuff on that thing. I WANT ONE!!! Then the phone would ring. Or she would get an email. Or a fax would come through. She had hanging file folders and colored manila folders and accordion style folders. I've never seen so many folders in all my life! She even had folders in her EMAIL! She is very organized. She has a little bowl for her paperclips. And a pen holder thingy. And a drawer for her rubber bands. She even had a special place for me!

She let me be the "micro manager" for the day....whatever that means. :) She said I did very well and should look for a position in management. I think she was just being nice.

She also said I was very well behaved, that was until she caught me....

...in her candy dish. My bad. But while I was there, I did indulge. See that red ball there, lower left..that is a Lindor Truffle. I ate THREE of them. I think I have a new favorite. She says she will buy me more, maybe send some with me to my next Host...Miss Beth!!!

Ok. Got another big day tomorrow. So I'm gonna sign off now.

Happy Trails -

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Done right...

Talk about a par-tay! Oh.My.God.Becky...LOOK AT HER BUFFRECKLE! We had a blast!

I was introduced to this nifty contraption:

You put in water, push a button and this dark brown stuff comes out. Man, it smells good. Then they poured it into some cups, added some sugar and this hazelnut latte stuff. Man, it smelt even better. Shonda said it's purpose was to keep them all awake since they were old and had to stay up past their bedtime. But if you ask me, I think the bubbly stuff in the tall glass bottles is what really helped them stay up. O.o

They let me be in charge of the party favors. Yes, I'm that good!

Those leis were kinda snuggly. Like a squeaky Buttfreckle, but my favorite things were the horns. HA! They made some N-O-I-S-E! 

We played Wii and laughed and played some board games and laughed and told some jokes and laughed! We finally went to bed around 3:00a.m. I was one tuckered out BF. 

The next morning - you should have seen the look on Shonda's face when she went to the kitchen to start New Year's Day breakfast. I wish I would have taken a picture of her, but we did get one of the kitchen.

Yep, we know how to party. So after we cleaned up the kitchen, she made bacon and hasbrowns and her Jeff made waffles with strawberries and whip cream. YUMO!

We spent the rest of the day watching movies: Waiting, The Bookdock Saints, The Boondock Saints: All Saints Day and Bunraku. :o) Perfect start if ya ask me!

Happy Trails - 